What is currently showing on your company email signature?
It probably contains your name, job title, company name and logo, website address, phone number and all relevant social media links.
However, did you know that your email signature might actually be breaking the law?
In the UK, if your business is a private limited company (LTD), a public limited company (PLC) or a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), you are required by law to include specific information on your email footer.
And it isn’t just your sales and marketing team who have to comply with the regulations. Every member of your organisation who sends an external email, whether from a PC or a mobile device, must include the relevant information in their email signature.
This is stipulated by the Companies Act 2006, which states that company communications – including letterheads, order forms, company website and all business emails – must include the following information in legible characters:
- Your company name
- Your company registration number
- Your place of registration (e.g. Scotland or England & Wales)
- Your registered office address – note that this may be different to the office that you trade from
This has been incorporated into law in the Companies (Trading Disclosures) Regulations 2008. Companies that fail to comply with these requirements won’t just be breaking the law – they could also face a fine of £1,000.
It is also a good idea to include your trading address (if different to the registered address), contact phone number and your VAT number.
At V12 Tech we provide an email solution called Exclaimer which can be used to ensure that ALL emails sent from a company’s domain conform with this, whether sent from a PC or a mobile device.
To discuss Email Solutions for your business, just call the V12 Tech Team on 0330 445 0051 or email us on [email protected] www.v12tech.co.uk