V12 Tech Ltd are now a Cyber Essentials UK Company

V12Tech Achieves Cyber Essentials Accreditation

We have just received our Cyber Essentials accreditation.  But what does this actually mean to our clients?

The scheme provides five fundamental technical security controls that an organisation needs to have in place to defend against the most common form of cyber attacks. These controls are then independently assessed for Cyber Essentials accreditation.

  • Boundary firewalls and internet gateways; these must be designed to prevent unauthorised access to or from private networks.
  • Secure configuration; ensuring that systems are configured in the most secure way for the needs of the organisation.
  • Access control; ensuring only those who should have access to systems to have access and at the appropriate level.
  • Malware protection; ensuring that virus and malware protection is installed and is it up to date.
  • Patch management; ensuring the latest supported version of applications is used and all the necessary patches supplied by the vendor have been applied.


If your organisation is interested in demonstrating a robust cyber security stance to its customers, we would be happy to guide you through the process to gain certification.  Just call the V12Tech Team on 0330 445 0051 or email us on [email protected]
